Your Podiatrist Can Diagnose and Treat Foot and Ankle Injuries


It’s common for patients to arrive at our office to see Middlesex County foot doctor, Dr. Jason Grossman because they are suffering from discomfort related to foot and ankle injuries. These injuries are often associated with a fall. Last week on our blog, we celebrated National Falls Prevention Awareness Month by talking about preventing injuries from a fall, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, falls happen. What should you do if you’re injured as a result? Consult a podiatrist.

There are 52 bones in your feet and ankles, arranged in a series of arches working together to allow you to walk upright. Some of these bones are large and stable; others are tiny and delicate. These smaller bones are especially vulnerable to fracture, especially if you have osteoporosis, arthritis, or another condition that weakens. Strong, rope-like ligaments connect your bones. These are elastic and stretch, but can be over-stretched and injured, causing an ankle sprain.

If you stumble and hurt yourself and can’t put weight on your foot or the pain is unmanageable, seek medical help immediately. Call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule an appointment with our podiatrist in Old Bridge or Sayreville.

If you’re mildly uncomfortable, begin with a course of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen and 24 hours of R.I.C.E. therapy at home:

  • Rest: Take it easy. Get off your feet and minimize the need for movement.

  • Ice: Apply cold compresses to your injury. Be sure to wrap the ice in a towel to keep the skin comfortable.

  • Compression: Wrap the area with a bandage.

  • Elevation: Lying on a couch, place the injured foot and ankle on a cushion and raise it above the level of your heart.

If your discomfort doesn’t resolve in 24 hours, a visit with your podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment is in order. We look forward to helping you, call our office for an appointment 732-679-4330.