September is National Falls Prevention Month

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A board-certified podiatrist like Middlesex County foot doctor Dr. Jason Grossman often sees patients who have sustained foot and ankle injuries as the result of a fall. Some of these men, women, and children of all ages even require foot and ankle surgery to recover. Don’t let yourself be one of them! Since it’s National Falls Prevention Month, here are some home safety tips from our doctor to help you prevent accidental falls and their resulting injuries

1.      The higher the heel, the greater the risk. Stilettos may be fashionable, but they’re unstable. Save them for special occasions or, even better, don’t wear them at all. For daily activities, choose a pair of comfortable shoes made of a breathable material like leather or canvas. Choose a pair with a low, chunky heel. Rubber soles will increase traction.

2.      Keep a tidy home. Clutter on the floor can lead to tripping. If you have area rugs, make sure they are in good condition and edges lie flat against the floor.

3.      Wear shoes at home. Walking in socks can be dangerous, especially on stairs. If you’re concerned about tracking in dirt and dust, keep a pair of “inside shoes” near the door.

4.      Use common sense if you need to climb a ladder. Use the right ladder for the job and don’t climb higher than you need to. Ask a friend or family member to serve as a spotter.

5.      Winter is coming. Make sure you’re prepared to keep your driveway and walkways free of snow and ice. Now is the time to head to the store to invest in new or upgraded equipment if you need it, or to contract with someone to help you with the task.

If you’ve hurt yourself in a fall, or if you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, it’s time for a visit with your podiatrist. Schedule a convenient appointment to see Jason Grossman, DPM in Advanced Feet and Ankle Care’s modern, comfortable Old Bridge and Sayreville offices today. Call our friendly staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started.