Five Ways to Safely Enjoy the Company of Others this Summer


How does that old song go? “Summer’s here and the time is right for dancing in the streets!” As we all adjust to the new normal brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, we may not be dancing in the streets this year, but there’s still plenty you can do to enjoy time with family and friends. Here are five suggestions from Middlesex County podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman:

1.      Schedule a hike or a walk with a friend. Not only will this give you a chance to catch up, it will also provide valuable cardiovascular exercise and help keep the bones, muscles, and soft tissues of your feet and ankles strong and supple.

2.      Enjoy a socially-distanced picnic. It’s easier than you think! First, pack a healthy meal for only your family. Be sure to include plenty of delicious summer fruits and vegetables. Don’t share food, utensils, or other items with people outside your household. Everyone should bring their own blanket and stay on it.

3.      Invite your neighbors to a driveway happy hour. Suggest that everyone bring their own favorite non-alcoholic or adult beverage and a chair. Stay outside and visit from six feet apart.

4.      Are you lucky enough to have access to a pool? Spread the lounge chairs farther apart than usual and invite another family for the afternoon. Make sure that kids are well-supervised at all times.

5.      Head out for ice cream at a local stand. Most such businesses offer plenty of room to stand or sit outside at a safe distance from others.

No matter how you spend time with others this summer, be sure to wear a mask. Combined with excellent hand hygiene, this is the very best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19.

Do you have a concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, or is it time for your regular annual visit with Jason Grossman, DPM? Call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 or click here to speak with our friendly staff and schedule a safe appointment in our modern, comfortable Old Bridge and Sayreville offices today.