8 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Falling


More than 25% of older adults fall each year. Many of them sustain a foot or ankle injury in their fall. Fortunately, most of these patients respond to treatment with medication and immobilization, but a few do require hospitalization or even foot and ankle surgery, especially those over 65. The good news is that you can take a few simple steps that will reduce your risk of falling. Here are 8 steps from Middlesex County podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman for you to try:

  • Start from the ground up. If your shoes are not improving stability, it’s time for a change. Choose a pair of everyday shoes with laces to hold them tight to your feet and a rubber sole for excellent traction. Don’t go barefoot or in socks at home; wear a pair of slippers.

  • Exercise to build strength and balance.

  • Talk to your doctor about your medications. Some can lead to dizziness or sleepiness. Options might be available.

  • Get your vision checked regularly.

  • Install grab bars in your bathtub and shower.

  • Make sure area rugs are tacked down to prevent tripping.

  • Use the handrail if you must take the stairs.

  • Manage your weight through careful diet choices. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to experience a fall.

If you are worried about the effects of a recent fall, or if you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, it’s time for a visit to your podiatrist’s office. With years of specialized training and experience, a board-certified podiatrist like Jason Grossman, DPM is the best-qualified medical professional to care for this part of your body. Schedule a visit in the safe, sanitized Advanced Feet and Ankle Care offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today. Call our friendly staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started.