Common Causes of Big Toe Pain


Every week, Middlesex County podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman sees patients complaining of big toe pain. Does your big toe hurt? There are a variety of reasons that might be responsible for your discomfort. If you are experiencing pain in your big toe or anywhere else in your feet, ankles, or lower legs, a visit to the podiatrist is the first step on the road to wellness. With years of specialized education and experience, your podiatrist is a medical expert, and the best-qualified medical professional to diagnose and treat your problem.

While these aren’t the only causes of big toe pain, here are three common issues you should know about:

1.      Arthritis: Common in men and women, especially those of advanced age, arthritis is a degenerative joint disease. As each of your feet contains 26 bones arranges into 33 delicate joints, it’s no surprise that they are vulnerable to arthritis. Arthritis can cause discomfort standing, walking, running, or even wearing shoes.

2.      Gout: A specific form of arthritis, gout occurs when uric acid crystals build up in the blood stream and settle in the joints, causing a “gout attack,” This frequently happens overnight, particularly after a rich meal or the over-consumption of alcohol. Be alert to symptoms including redness, swelling and severe, sudden pain.

3.      Bunions: A bunion is a deformity of the bones in the foot. A bunion can form on any toe but is most common at the big toe joint. When this happens, the bones of the joint are pushed out of place, and a painful, bony bump develops where the big toe meets the inner edge of the foot.

Are you experiencing big toe pain, or do you have any other concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower lets? You don’t have to suffer any longer. Schedule a convenient appointment to see Jason Grossman, DPM, in our safe, sanitized Old Bridge and Sayreville offices today. Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started today.