Three Ways to Stay Safe as the Nation Reopens

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Things are slowly returning to normal – although perhaps a new normal. You may be getting ready to return to your usual activities and wondering about steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Here are three recommendations from Middlesex County podiatrist, Dr. Jason Grossman:

1.      Know your risk level. People with underlying conditions such as diabetes and lung disease are at greater risk of a more serious case of COVID-19 than others, as are those who are immunocompromised. Older people are also less able to fight the virus. Of course, that doesn’t mean that people who are not in these categories are safe, but knowing your risk level will help you make informed choices about where to go and what to do.

2.      Wear your mask whenever you leave the house! This will not only help reduce your risk of contracting the virus, but will also reduce the risk that you will transmit the virus to someone you love who may be more vulnerable than you are. If your mask is reusable, remember to wash it when you get home.

3.      Wash your hands. We cannot stress this strongly enough. Wash when you get out of bed, every time you use the bathroom, before eating or preparing food, and before you go to sleep at night. If you’re not sure, just wash. Be sure to wash for at least 20 seconds each time. Use antibacterial soap and disposable towels for maximum safety.

As things slowly return to normal, it’s time to catch up on things that you may have let slide. Are you overdue for a preventative visit with your podiatrist? Take care of the health of your feet and ankles. Call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at to schedule a visit with Jason Grossman, DPM in our safe, sanitized offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today.