Five Tips to Keep Feet and Ankles Safe This Winter


The clocks have changed. The days are getting shorter, and the air is getting colder. Winter is on the horizon and, with it, a likely increase in preventable foot and ankle illnesses and injuries. How much do you know about staying safe in the months to come? Here are five suggestions from Middlesex County podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman:

  1. Stay alert. Watch where you’re walking and be attentive to conditions on sidewalks and in parking lots to prevent falls that can cause sprained ankles, foot fractures, and other injuries.

  2. Be alert to the signs of illness and injury. Report any change in the appearance of the skin on your feet to your podiatrist. Schedule an office visit for any discomfort that does not respond to 24 hours of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment at home.

  3. Keep feet warm with thick wool socks and insulated footwear. It is especially crucial if you are living with diabetes or any other condition that impairs circulation.

  4. Make sure your winter shoes and boots are in good condition. They should be insulated to keep you warm, offer thick soles for stability, and fit well for maximum safety. It is not the time to choose fashion over function!

  5. Wear slippers around the house to keep feet warm and prevent falls.

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, the best thing you can do to ensure good health for feet, ankles, and lower legs is to regularly see a board-certified podiatrist. With years of experience and education training, including a hospital residency, your foot doctor is a medical specialist and the best-qualified doctor to care for this part of your body.

 Are you worried about winter foot health, or do you have another concern about your feet? Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule a visit with Jason Grossman, DPM, in our modern, comfortable Old Bridge or Sayreville offices today.