Five Myths About Toenail Fungus


Men, women, and children come to see Middlesex County podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman for many reasons. Issues with toenail fungus are a common cause for visits to the Advanced Feet and Ankle Care offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville.  

Myths and misconceptions about toenail fungus are common. How many of these do you believe?

Myth #1: It’s ok to ignore a toenail infection or to cover it up with polish.

There is more to a fungal toenail infection than unpleasant aesthetics. In fact, an untreated fungal infection can cause long-term damage to nails and nail beds. If you have noticed a change in the color or texture of your toenails, particularly if they have thickened or become yellow or otherwise discolored, a visit with your foot doctor for diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Myth #2: If you suspect an infection, just cut the toenail as short as possible.

This is a bad idea that can actually cause other problems, including ingrown toenails.

Myth #3: Toenails are only vulnerable to infection in the summer when it’s common to wear sandals.

Fungal infections are highly contagious and can occur at any time of year. Keep your feet safe and healthy by avoiding going barefoot in public spaces.

Myth #4: Fungal infections are a sign of poor hygiene.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone of any age can get a fungal infection at any time. Don’t judge yourself.

Myth #5: Treating a fungal infection requires surgery.

There’s no need to be anxious. If your podiatrist diagnoses a fungal nail infection, s/he will have many treatment options from which to choose, including oral or topical medication and treatment with lasers.

If you notice a change in the appearance of your toenails, you may have a fungal infection. The first step on the road to improved foot health is a visit with a board-certified podiatrist like Jason Grossman, DPM. With years of education and experience, your foot doctor is a medical specialist and the best-qualified professional to diagnose and treat your issue. Schedule a convenient appointment in the modern, comfortable Advanced Feet and Ankle Care offices today. Call our friendly staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started.