Clean Hands Protect Foot Health

We’re just over a week away from the World Health Organization’s World Hygiene Day, celebrated annually on May 5. Handwashing rates skyrocketed during the early days of the pandemic, then decreased early in 2021 as people slowly returned to their old habits. It’s important to remember that washing hands thoroughly doesn’t just prevent the spread of Covid. Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene want to remind you that their practice will also keep you safe from a host of illnesses.

Does washing hands help foot health?

Proper hand hygiene will protect you from various illnesses, including colds, flu, and many common digestive ailments. It will also keep you safer from numerous infections affecting the feet, such as plantar wartstoenail fungus, and athlete's foot.

When should I wash my hands?

You should wash your hands throughout the day. Good times to wash hands include:

  • ·when you return home after time out in the community

  • after using the toilet

  • after touching an animal

  • before and after changing a baby’s diaper

  • before and after providing care to an ill household member

  • before and after preparing food

  • before taking care of routine foot care needs such as trimming toenails

Is there a proper way to wash hands?

Yes! Be sure to use plenty of warm water and antibacterial soap. Wet your hands, work the soap into a lather, and scrub for at least 20 seconds. That’s about how long it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice in your head. Wash the palms, the backs of your hands, between the fingers, and under the nails. Rinse well and use a disposable towel to dry. If you’re in a public space that requires touching a doorknob to exit, keep your towel in your hand and toss it after you’ve opened the door.

Should the people around me wash their hands?

Teach young children the value of clean hands. Encourage family members to follow the same handwashing protocols that you do. If others are touching your body (think about the technicians who give you a pedicure or manicure), ask them to wash.

Are you worried about an infection of the skin or nails on your feet, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment with Middlesex County podiatrists  Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene, DPM, in our modern, comfortable offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today.