Tobacco and Your Feet


Did you know 14% of all Americans over the age of 18 smoke cigarettes? That’s more than 34 million people, more when you add in people who chew tobacco or smoke cigars and pipes. Almost half of these men and women will develop a smoking-related illness. The illnesses include high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and, of course, lung cancer. Tobacco use also poses risks to foot health. Here are some facts Middlesex County podiatrists Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene want you to know:

Tobacco use causes plaque to build upon the walls of the blood vessels and interferes with circulation. It can also cause peripheral vascular disease (PAD). Smokers experience PAD at a rate four times higher than non-smokers. Because your feet and ankles are farthest from your heart, they are the hardest areas to pump blood to, even under optimal conditions. When blood vessels become stiff and narrow, this exacerbates the situation. It’s even worse if you have diabetes, which can have its impact on circulation.

Symptoms of PAD include:

  • bluish color

  • cold feet

  • pain when moving or even while at rest

  • little or no hair growth

  • brittle, discolored toenails

  • flaky, fragile skin

May 31st is World No Tobacco Day. We know quitting is hard, but help is available. Talk to your doctor about new therapies that can make it easier than ever to give up your cigarettes and other tobacco products.  

Are you worried about the effects of tobacco use, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? With years of specialized training and experience, a podiatrist like Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene DPM is an expert at caring for this part of your body and can provide the help you need. Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule an appointment in our state-of-the-art Old Bridge and Sayreville offices today.