Keep Foot Health in Mind When Holiday Shopping

Hanukkah is especially early this year (it’s happening now), and Christmas is around the corner. Are you holiday shopping? It’s an excellent opportunity to give someone you love a present that will preserve and protect foot health in the year to come! Need some ideas? Here are a few from Middlesex County podiatrists Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene:

  • Think warm! Everyone appreciates a stocking filled with cozy wool socks or a pair of waterproof, insulated boots. It is especially important for people with circulation ailments or other illnesses that leave feet feeling perpetually chilly such as Raynaud’s disease or diabetes.

  • How about something to relieve foot pain? Make a coupon good for a new pair of orthotics, custom shoe inserts that provide additional cushioning and support, then drive your recipient to an appointment with a podiatrist who can prescribe and provide them.

  • Say cheese! A gift of low-fat dairy foods loaded with calcium can maintain and improve foot health by staving off osteoporosis, a dangerous weakening of the bones. Women over 50 are at particular risk of osteoporosis, leading to foot and ankle injuries such as fractured bones.

  • Treat your recipient to a salon pedicure. A professional pedicure feels excellent any time of year but is especially enjoyable during the cold months. Be sure to choose a location with a reputation for excellent hygiene and give your loved ones a set of tools to bring along. It is the very best way to prevent plantar warts, toenail fungus, and other infections.

Of course, the best gift for good foot health is visiting an experienced foot doctor like Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene, DPM. With years of specialized education and experience, an expert podiatrist is the best-qualified medical professional to care for this part of the body. Call the friendly, professional Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment today in our modern, comfortable Old Bridge and Sayreville offices.