Dealing with Stress Fractures

Have you ever heard of a stress fracture? Unlike the more familiar acute fractures that might occur due to a fall or other accident, this common foot and ankle injury results from long-term trauma to the bone. Here is information and advice from Middlesex County podiatrists Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene to keep you on your feet. 

Who is at Risk of a Stress Fracture?

The bones of the feet, ankles, and lower legs are at high risk of stress fractures. Runners, dancers, and others who put repetitive stress on these parts of their bodies are vulnerable to stress fractures, especially during periods of intense training, such as when preparing for a race or rehearsing for a show. Athletes who engage in stop-and-start sports such as basketball, tennis, and soccer are also at particular risk.

What are the Signs of a Stress Fracture?

Unlike an acute fracture, a stress fracture begins as a hairline fissure in the bone. Symptoms may include:

  • non-distinct pain that increases with use and decreases with rest

  • dull ache deep within the bone

  • discomfort that doesn’t abate with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment at home

  • weakness or loss of performance

What Can Be Done About a Stress Fracture?

If you suspect you have developed a stress fracture or any other concerns about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, the first thing to do is to schedule a visit with your podiatrist. With years of specialized education and experience, your podiatrist is a medical expert and the best-qualified doctor to care for this part of your body. If, after careful examination, your doctor confirms that you have a stress fracture, numerous treatment options are available, including:

  • over-the-counter and prescription medication for the relief of discomfort

  • immobilization with a cast or boot

  • physical therapy

You don’t have to suffer from foot pain. Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule an appointment with Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene, DPM, in our modern, comfortable offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today.