Three Types of Foot Cysts You Should Know About


A cyst is a bulging, fluid, or pus-filled pocket that develops in the flesh somewhere on the body, which is common on the feet. If you know what to look for, you’ll notice a cyst sooner than someone who doesn’t. It should prompt you to call your podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment right away. With years of experience and training, including a hospital residency, your podiatrist is a medical specialist and the best-qualified doctor to help you manage your condition.

1.      A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled cyst that grows where a tendon meets a joint, often at the wrist, ankle, or top of the foot. You may have heard these referred to as “bible cysts” because it was once believed that the best way to make one of these cysts go away was to smash it with a hard blow from a heavy book, especially a bible. This is not true! Trying this at-home remedy can cause greater problems, even a fracture. Don’t do it.

2.      A synovial cyst is another benign (non-cancerous) cyst. Like ganglion cysts, these are fluid-filled and often found on the top of the foot. The main difference is that a synovial cyst is encased in tissue, where a ganglion cyst might be closer to the skin.

3.      Mucoid cysts are ganglion cysts that grow on the toe. They are most common in men and women over the age of 40.

If you notice a bump on your foot where none existed previously, a visit to your podiatrist’s office is in order. Your foot doctor will conduct a thorough examination, possibly including imaging tests like x-rays, then reach a specific diagnosis and work with you to create an effective and individualized plan for treatment and any necessary ongoing care. Schedule a visit with Jason Grossman, DPM in Advanced Feet and Ankle Care’s modern, comfortable Middlesex county offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville NJ. Call our friendly staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started today.