The Heart-Feet Connection

February is American Heart Month, and, in addition to focusing on all the paper hearts at Valentine’s Day, it means that this month is an excellent opportunity to check in with your actual heart and make sure everything is in tip-top condition. Did you know your feet can offer important clues to heart health? Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D.) is a cardiac condition spotted through symptoms in the feet and legs.

P.A.D. occurs when arteries become narrowed by plaque. At first, you might not notice any symptoms. The problem is the disease may have progressed to a more serious level by the time symptoms appear. Noticeable symptoms may mean arteries have become completely blocked and circulation to the extremities has been diminished.

Risk factors for PAD include:
• age (those 50 and up are at higher risk)
• current or past smoking or other tobacco use
• illnesses such as diabetes or high blood pressure
• family history of PAD, heart disease, heart attack, or stroke
• poor diet and/or sedentary lifestyle

Advanced Feet and Ankle Care has a vascular specialist available, Dr. Peter Ferrugia, offering the latest in testing for P.A.D. and vascular health. We are very pleased to offer this specialized service in conjunction with our total foot and ankle care health services.

As experienced podiatrists, Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene, are always on the lookout for PAD symptoms and are often the first doctor to pick up on the issue as it progresses. It is just one reason everyone should schedule a visit with their podiatrist at least once a year. We will inquire and be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath

  • discomfort in the chest

  • aching legs

  • skin changes, particularly dry skin on the calves

  • loss of hair on the feet and ankles

  • very cold feet

If your foot doctor suspects P.A.D., one way to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis is with a simple, non-invasive test called an ankle-brachial index. It compares the blood pressure in the ankles to the blood pressure in the arms. Our newest specialist, Dr. Peter Farrugia will complete an exam and testing for P.A.D.

The earlier a diagnosis of P.A.D. is made, the more likely treatment will be effective. Your health care provider will encourage you to make lifestyle changes including an improved diet and expercise program in order to improve your cardiovascular health. change your diet and begin a supervised exercise program to improve cardiovascular health. Other treatment options may include medication, or outpatient surgery services.

Are you worried about the effects of Peripheral Arterial Disease on your feet, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? Call the friendly Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment with our vascular specialist Dr. Peter Farrugia, or our podiatrists Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene, DPM, in our modern, comfortable offices in Freehold, Old Bridge and Sayreville today.