Clean Hands, Healthy Feet


Sponsored by the World Health Organization and its partners, May 5 is Global Hand Hygiene Day. As many people discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic, clean hands are at the very foundation of good health. Middlesex County podiatrists Dr. Jason Grossman and Dr. Paul A. Osemene want to remind you that hand hygiene is important to foot health.

When you have clean hands, you reduce opportunities for infection. Many germs, viruses, and fungus have fewer opportunities to enter your body. Clean hands mean you are less likely to contract colds, influenza, illnesses caused by contaminating your food, and more. When your hands are clean, you keep your feet safer from infections, including plantar warts and toenail fungus, because it’s less likely you will cause these to occur by touching your bare feet with microbial agents on your hands.

When Should I Wash My Hands?

You should wash your hands any time you use the bathroom. Not only does tying hand washing to this common daily occurrence remove any microscopic bits of bodily waste from your hands, but cultivating this critical health habit will also help you remember to wash several times daily.

Remember to wash your hands before and after preparing food or eating. It keeps pathogens on your hands off your foot and will keep pathogens in your food from entering your body through the mouth.

Finally, wash your hands any time you are going to touch your bare feet. Trimming your toenails? Wash your hands!

Is There a “Best Way” to Wash Hands?

Be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap and plenty of warm water. Rub them together for at least 20 seconds, covering all surfaces – the palm, back of your hand, between the fingers, and under the nails. Rinse well and dry with a clean towel.

If you are worried that you have contracted a foot illness, or you have another concern about the wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, a visit to your foot doctor is the best first step on the road to good health. Call (732) 679-4330 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment with Jason Grossman, DPM, and Paul A. Osemene, DPM, in the modern, comfortable Advanced Feet and Ankle Care offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today.