Make Improvements to Your Diet While You’re at Home

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We’ve all been home for quite a long period, and it looks like we have a while to go. Have you been using your time constructively? Are you taking advantage of the chance to improve physical health by kick-starting an at-home exercise program or to preserve mental health by writing some letters or getting to a book you’ve always meant to read? Whether you’re with family or alone, these weeks present an opportunity to take steps on the path to wellness. Keep meals simple and make choices that will reduce your risk of diet-related illness, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Here are some suggestions from Middlesex County podiatrist
Dr. Jason Grossman to help you:

  1. Focus on produce. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables every day.

  2. Save red meat for special occasions. Choose lean chicken and fish instead.

  3. Drink water. Avoid sweetened beverages. Limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine, both of which can be dehydrating.

  4. Eat low-fat dairy foods and drink low-fat milk to ensure a sufficient calcium intake. It will help prevent osteoporosis, a dangerous weakening of the bones that can lead to foot and ankle injuries.

  5. Try not to eat highly processed foods, which can be high in sodium. Instead, use your extra time to look for new recipes, cook slowly, and savor your meals.

  6. Is it hard to get the kids to eat the foods that are good for them? Involve them in meal planning and cooking. They’ll be more invested and more likely to try unfamiliar options.

Stay safe and healthy, everyone. If an issue related to the wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs comes up while you’re isolating at home, call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 or click here for help. Jason Grossman, DPM, and our friendly staff will be happy to speak with you about the next steps.