Three Tips for Foot Health During Isolation


So much about our lives is different now than it was even a few weeks ago. Hopefully, you’re adapting to the changes and feeling well in body, mind, and spirit. Remember to take some time every day to exercise, get some sunshine, and engage your brain in meaningful activity. Be sure to take a few minutes to take care of your feet, too!

Here are three suggestions from Middlesex county podiatrist Dr. Jason Grossman:

1.      Inspect feet daily. It is especially important if you have diabetes, which can have long-term and damaging effects on foot health. Be alert to itching or changes in the color or texture of the skin, which can be a sign of athletes foot or other infection, or thickening or discoloration of the nails, which can indicate toenail fungus. Treat small nicks or cuts with antibiotic ointment and a bandage and monitor the progress of their recovery. Call your podiatrist for instructions if you are unable to address your issue effectively at home.

2.      Trim toenails carefully, using a clipper made just for the job. Don’t use scissors and don’t round the corners, which can cause ingrown toenails. Signs of an ingrown toenail include redness, swelling, tenderness, and pus. If these occur, call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 or click here to discuss the next steps.

3.      Wear shoes or slippers at home to reduce the risk of slipping and falling, which can lead to foot and ankle injuries. Don’t go barefoot if you can help it and avoid walking in socks, especially on stairs.

As we spend time at home to reduce the cases of COVID-19 nationwide, protecting ourselves from minor injuries and illnesses is more important than ever. Take good care of yourself and know that Jason Grossman, DPM, and the Advanced Feet and Ankle Care staff are here to help you if a problem arises.