How Much Do You Know About the History of Podiatry


Patients who come to Advanced Feet and Ankle Care for an appointment with Dr. Jason Grossman know that they’ve chosen to see a medical specialist. Like other specialists, your podiatrist is a doctor who has undergone extensive training including a hospital residency. He or she is uniquely qualified to care for your feet, ankles, and lower legs. Some podiatrists even have sub-specialties such as foot and ankle surgery, sports medicine, or pediatrics.

Although archaeological finds have demonstrated that doctors were caring for feet all the way back in ancient Egypt, the beginnings of modern podiatry are rooted in Greece. In his writings, Hippocrates (one of the earliest known doctors and the man responsible for the “Do no harm” oath that doctors take even to this day) wrote about removing corns and calluses from patient’s feet with scalpels of his own invention and creation.

By the 19th century, foot care was formally established as a medical specialty. These doctors were known as “chiropodists.” Both Napoleon and Abraham Lincoln were known to have seen them for care. In 1911, the first American school of Podiatry was established followed by one in Europe the following year. The term chiropody was replaced with podiatry in the 1960s and schools began conferring Doctor of Podiatry degrees on graduates.

Whether you are concerned about an illness or injury, are seeking assistance managing the risks of diabetes to foot health, or simply wish to maintain the wellness of your feet, ankles, and lower legs, a board-certified podiatrist like Jason Grossman, DPM is the best-qualified doctor to help you. Your podiatrist will begin with a thorough examination that may include x-rays, MRI, or other imaging tests; arrive at a specific and accurate diagnosis; and offer treatment that might involve options such as over-the-counter or prescription medication, assistive walking devices, corrective or adaptive footwear, physical therapy, custom orthotics for cushioning and support, or even surgery when indicated.

Protect your foot health. Schedule a visit to Advanced Feet and Ankle Care’s modern, comfortable offices in Old Bridge and Sayreville today. Call our friendly staff at (732) 679-4330 or click here to get started.