Keep Your Feet Safe on Summer Runs

Runners enjoy their sport for many reasons. It’s great for cardiovascular health and fitness, it’s relatively inexpensive, and it’s easy to do on most days. Most people wouldn’t pick summer as their favorite season for running because heat humidity take a toll. But there are advantages to summer running, including long daylight hours that make it possible to run at times when it’s typically dark out. 

Are you a summer runner? Here are five tips from Jason Grossman, DPM to keep you on your feet in the coming months:

Be patient as you adjust to the weather. You might tire more easily in the heat. If you need to adjust the length or intensity of your runs to prepare for a race, do so slowly over a period of several days or even weeks.

Hydrate! You should always drink plenty of water when you get back from a run. This is especially important in the warmer weather. If you’re heading out for more than about an hour, bring water with you or run someplace where there are pubic drinking fountains.

Seek shady places for your run. A tree-lined street or park path will offer cooler temperatures that a route that puts you in direct sunlight.

Blisters are always a possibility, but the risk increases in warmer weather. Be sure to wear thick socks to minimize friction. Break new shoes in slowly. If blisters occur, use moleskin to protect the area. Never pop a bister.

Most importantly, listen to your body. If you’re feeling woozy or overheated, take a break and cool down. Seek shade. Drink water.

Are you worried that summer running has caused an injury, or do you have any other concerns about the health and well-being of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? With decades of specialized education and experience your podiatrist is the best-qualified medical professional to help. Call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 to schedule a convenient appointment with Dr. Jason Grossman in our comfortable Old Bridge and Sayreville offices. Dr. Grossman will conduct a careful examination culminating in an accurate diagnosis, then work with you to create an effective plan for treatment and follow up care.