Four Foot Health Reasons To Switch Up Your Workout Routine

At Advanced Feet and Ankle Care, Jason Grossman, DPM often sees patients whose issues can be attributed to an unvarying exercise routine. Engaging in repeated, unchanging physical activity can create a host of podiatric issues. Occasionally switching up your workout can increase strength, flexibility and balance while lowering your risk of common complaints including:

  • Stress Fractures: An acute bone fracture typically results from a fall or an accident. A stress fracture is the result of repeated small injury to the same area over a long period of time. Runners and athletes who participate in court sports are most at risk. Try trading that jog for a bike ride or a swim a couple of times a week.
  • Ankle Sprains and Foot Fractures: These injuries often result from falls. Give your body a rest and improve balance by adding a weekly yoga or tai chi class to your regimen.
  • Blisters: Although blisters sound like not much more than a nuisance, they can be very painful. Even worse, if they become infected, serious problems can result. Keep your feet healthy by changing activities so you can change footwear periodically. Break athletic shoes in slowly – marathon day is not the time to pull a new pair out of the closet!
  • Sever’s Disease: Most often seen in growing children and adolescents rather than active adults, Sever’s disease occurs in children when the growth plate (which is the growing part of the heel) is injured. Soccer players and gymnasts are most at risk of Sever’s disease, but children who do any running or jumping sport may also be at an increased risk. Encourage your son or daughter to take a break now and again and to play different sports in different seasons.

If you are worried that exercise has caused a problem, or if you have any other concerns about the health and wellbeing of your feet, ankles, or lower legs (or those of a family member), the first thing to do is see the podiatrist. With years of specialized training and experience, your foot doctor is the best-qualified medical professional to handle any such issues. Call Advanced Feet and Ankle Care at (732) 679-4330 today to schedule a convenient appointment with Dr. Jason Grossman in our comfortable and modern Old Bridge and Sayreville offices.